
Latest Version: Publish Date: Developer:
5.2.0 2021-10-01 Internet

The description of Tricount

What is the Tricount - Split bills & manage group expenses application, how does it work?

According to the introduction of Tricount, Tricount - Split bills & manage group expenses is a Finance app on the Android platform. There is currently a 4.3.0 version released on Feb 27, 2020, you can see the details below.

Millions of people already use Tricount!

Great for holidays, housesharing, accounting in couples, organizing parties or events with several people, managing your budget, etc.


As simple as it gets:Focus on super simple and intuitive layout.
A simple link to share your expenses - a bit like Doodle.
Anyone in the group can add their own expenses and see the balance.
Split expenses unevenly: great if you're traveling with kids for example.
Works offline: so you can use it even in the most remote spots or on the beach ;-).
Phone or Web: Works on the web or by downloading the app (iPhone, Android and Windows phone).
Push notifications (optional): when someone adds or edits expenses.
Log in (optional) to link all your tricounts to your profile.


create a tricount, share your link with friends ... et voilà !

Tricount makes sorting out and divvying your group expenses very easy when you organize activities (for example: ski trip, citytrip, holidays with a classroom, flatmates etc.)

Gone are the days of the old excel file : an easier and effective solution exists to breakdown the costs, sharing expense reports, list tickets and spending. Tricount does the accounting and balances the cost for your group expenses.

It lets you breakdown the budget of a group and track expenses during a trip or any occasion with friends. It can be used by couples, between colleagues, roommates & flatmates. It is a simple yet powerful tool to figure out who owes what to whom and balance spendings : I owe you, you owe me (IOU) ... so easy !

Create your group expenses on your mobile (even offline), during your group activity. Send everyone the link (a la Doodle), and your friends too can add their own expense or see your changes.

Tricount then tells you who should pay what to whom to balance the group.

Very useful for any activity with friends and colleagues: holiday, city-trip, flat sharing & flatmates, week-ends, everyday lunch with colleagues, parties, etc. In your couple, you can create a tricount to know who has paid what this month, or on holiday.
The app exists on iPhone, Android & Windows phone, and on the web ! All currencies are accepted, even bitcoins if you want.

What's new of Tricount

• Archive old tricounts and keep your list organized
• Time filter in the statistics: Compare your spendings month by month
• New Premium subscription to unlock the best features of Tricount
• Other improvements and bug fixes

DID YOU KNOW that in this version, you can also:

• €, $, £, ... use multiple currencies
• Add pictures to each expense (of the bill, of a good memory)
• Take incomes into consideration (deposits, guarantee, cashback)
Category: Requirements:
Business Android 5.0+
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