Beer tasting scan the beer rate and inform

Latest Version: Publish Date: Developer:
7.11.0 2024-11-20 Kalea

Taste and evaluate beers; Beer informations & reviews; The world of beer

The description of Beer tasting scan the beer rate and inform

***IMPORTANT INFO Dec 1st 2020***

We are working with high pressure on the new update due to some bugs. In the actual version the Google Account login does not work! Please best register with your mail address and for your USERNAME please only use small letters and numbers without spaces or punctuation marks!!!

Beer Tasting App for your smartphone! Guide & Community

Your guide through the (craft-)beer jungle! Discover new beers and never ever forget a good beer. Be part of one of the biggest beer communities. Over 50,000 beers recorded - and rising - and thousands of new reviews every day. As BeerTaster always stay up to date and enjoy many benefits!

Beer Tasting is your personal beer gadget now free for Android!

Scan - scan the beer label (bottle or can) and automatically detect the right beer

Insights – Gets you the information about beer, brewery and ratings so you always know which is the best beer!

Rate your beer - your opinion counts! Rate the beers you drink, write reviews and thanks to your personal profile never forget a good beer again!

Community – Connect with your friends and other beer freaks! Check the beer reviews and ratings of the community and stay up to date with the news and activity feeds. Know what’s beerly going on!

Your Beer Guide - No matter where you are, always keep the perspective and know which beer is the best! You can easily compare beer ratings and use the Beertasting App as a little helper when shopping, at the bar or whenever you are in the search of the best beer available.


The newest Version of BeerTasting.App is not only an update but a complete relaunch. The Design was renewed overall and the handling has been optimised and structured to guarantee a great user experience. The app has become a more modern surface with great navigation and we added some new features for you:

- New functions:

Cheers - Your personal beer count and a great way to celebrate a good beer. See which beers you drink most
Like - With a quick click show if you like a beer

- BeerTasting Community

Check the news feed and see whats happening live at the app and which beers your friends like Follow other users
Get notifications from your friends
Customise your profile with a pictures
See your personal beer statistics
Manage your beers or beer cellar with your own personal tags See your latest scans

- Bugs have been fixed and handling has been improved

Feedback? Please contact us anytime via In-App-Feedback or write us a mail to: [email protected]

What's new of Beer tasting scan the beer rate and inform

Category: Requirements:
Food & Drink Android 5.1+
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