
Latest Version: Publish Date: Developer:
3.6.1 2021-05-19 赛诚智慧

The description of 招生宝


- 招生展:拓展招生渠道,多一个移动的招生展位
- 线索:快速提高地推时的招生效率
- 知识模块:每一个市场专员都是下一个校长,我们提供行业内专业的知识和经验,让你不仅仅掌握招生技巧和工具,更可以早日成长为合格的校长;


- 快捷:只要10s钟就可以录入一条生源线索,抛弃传统的纸、笔和繁琐的登记流程;
- 智能: 支持在线索管理模块一键导出Excel表,只需1s,让你不再做重复的无用功;
- 数据保护:对于数据本身的保护,采用现代密码算法对数据进行主动保护,另外采用现代信息存储手段对数据进行主动防护;


- 打开招生宝APP:在【我的】模块里反馈相关问题,我们会尽快联系你;
# Description:

- Admission Exhibition: expand recruitment channels, one more mobile enrollment booth
"Institutional custom" as long as the step you can create an organization dedicated brand exposure H5, and comes with the registration form, you just need to share to social channels or friends, you can wait for the students to find the door, we have to improve, including the fall semester, Teacher's Day, etc. a plurality of templates; "online channel" is the advantage of leveraging the online channel strong passenger traffic, to achieve the effect of drainage for your organization;
- Clue: the rapid increase in enrollment efficiency when push
You can invite your part-time staff on your enrollment treasure, to achieve the management staff as well as their access to the students clues; and you can also enter your own clues, or two-dimensional code to parents, so that parents improve their own independent personal registration information;
- Knowledge Modules: Each commissioner is a market next president, we provide industry expertise and experience, so you not only to master the skills and tools for enrollment, but also early growth as a qualified principals;

# Features:

- Fast: Just minutes to 10s can enter a clue students, abandon the traditional paper, pen and cumbersome registration process;
- Intelligence: Lead Management module supports a key export Excel table, just 1s, so that you do not repeat the exercise in futility;
- Data Protection: For the protection of the data itself, the use of modern cryptographic algorithms for data protection initiative, in addition to the use of modern means of information stored in data active protection;


Thank you for using enrollment treasure, if you encounter any problems during use, welcomed feedback through the following channels:
- Open Enrollment treasure APP: In [my] module feedback related issues, we will contact you as soon as possible;

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